Downtown Inc Announces Release of Free Mobile App for Downtown York Visitors

Downtown Inc, the organization committed to driving, enhancing, and encouraging investment in Downtown York is proud to announce the release of the location-aware mobile app, distrx.

Guests in downtown who use this free app will be able to discover retailers, restaurants, and events, as well as parking locations, and service providers. As mobile users enter downtown, they’ll receive a welcome greeting, and the app opens to reveal everything a visitor wants to know about the community.

“Over the past few years, Downtown York has witnessed incredible growth with the addition of more than 60 new businesses, including world-class dining, entertainment, boutiques, and other amenities. With the Yorktowne Hotel set to reopen in the coming weeks, we anticipate thousands of new visitors into our downtown, and want to make the community easy to navigate for everyone,” explains Director of Downtown Inc, Jonathan Desmarais. “With the addition of the distrx mobile app, these discoveries are now only a phone screen touch away.” This transformational app has already been implemented successfully in some of the region’s most attractive downtowns, including Lititz, Ellicott City, and Annapolis.  Best of all, when app users in other communities travel to Downtown York, the same mobile app used elsewhere will transform to become a personalized app for their visit.

The distrx app is available for free on Google Play as well as on Apple’s App Store, or can be downloaded by scanning the QR code to the right.